联系方式:[email protected]
(1) 比色、荧光、磷光功能材料的制备
(2) 可视化比色、荧光传感
(3) 食品检测、环境监测、生理健康标志物监测
(4) 即时检测与可穿戴器件的制备及应用
(5) 磷光防伪应用
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2020.01-2022.12.
(2) 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2019.10-2022.10.
(3) 广东省教育厅高校特色创新项目,2019.01-2020.12.
(4) 广州市科技计划项目,2018.04-2020.04.
(5) 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目,2017.10-2020.10.
(6) 广东省传感技术与生物医学仪器重点实验室项目,2016.11-2018.11.
(7) 广州大学优秀青年博士培养项目,2017.01-2019.12.
(8) 广州市教育局高校科研项目研究生项目,2024.09-2026.09.
(9) 厦门金鹭特种合金有限公司,横向项目,2023.06-2024.12.
(1) 指导2021级研究生黄翊(本人的第二位研究生)获得国家奖学金;
(2) 指导2020级研究生王丹茹(本人的第一位研究生)和2023级研究生何政(本人的第四位研究生)获得广州大学研究生基础创新项目各一项;
(3) 推荐硕士研究生黄翊去中山大学攻读博士学位;
(1) 指导2021级本科生庄晓婷和2022级本科生李畅获得国家级创新项目各一项;
(2) 指导2016级本科生池思婷获得省级创新项目一项;
(3) 指导本科生梁裕聪、赵丹莉获得优秀本科毕业论文;
(4) 指导本科生升学考研情况:陆海津(新加坡国立大学);曾家豪(中山大学);李滢耀(华南理工);黄慧荧、林淼榕(暨南大学);李君亮(福州大学);叶炜蓝(深圳大学)
(1) Zheng He, Yanan Wang, Jiahao An, Mingcong Rong*, Qian Liu*, Li Niu*. Splitting and aggregation of carbon dots: wavelength shifted and ratiometric fluorescence sensing of peroxynitrite. Anal. Chem. 2024, 96, 19047−19055.
(2) Mingcong Rong, Yi Huang, Chunxiao Lin, Limin Lai, Yanfang Wu*, Li Niu*. Recent Advances in Optical Sensing for Tetracycline Antibiotics. Trends Anal. Chem. 2024, 178, 117839.
(3) Mingcong Rong*, Zheng He, Danru Wang, Jiahao Zeng, Qian Liu*, Li Niu*. A ratiometric fluorescent detection platform using G-CDs@[Ru(bpy)3]2+ for specific detection of hypochlorite and live cell imaging. Adv. Sensor Res. 2024, 2400014.
(4) Yi Huang, Shiming Chen, Wei Huang, Xiaoting Zhuang, Jiahao Zeng, Mingcong Rong*, Li Niu*. Visualized test of environmental water pollution and meat freshness: Design of Au NCs-CDs-test paper/PVA film for ratiometric fluorescent sensing of sulfide. Food Chem. 2024, 432, 137292.
(5) Mingcong Rong, Yi Huang, Xiaoting Zhuang, Yingming Ma, Haijiao Xie, Yanfang Wu*, Li Niu*. AND logic-gate-based Au@MnO2 sensing platform for tetracyclines with fluorescent and colorimetric dual-signal readouts. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 2023, 393, 134204.
(6) Mingcong Rong, Danru Wang, Yingyao Li, Yazi Zhang, Huiying Huang, Rufeng Liu*, Xiangzhou Deng*. Green‑emitting carbon dots as fluorescent probe for nitrite detection. J. Anal. Test. 2021, 5, 51-59.
(7) Zhengtao Wu, Youbin Zhou, Huiying Huang, Zhuen Su, Shiming Chen, Mingcong Rong*. BCNO QDs and ROS synergistic oxidation effect on fluorescence enhancement sensing of tetracycline. Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem. 2021, 332, 129530.
(8) Mingcong Rong, Kexin Zhang, Yiru Wang, Xi Chen*. The synthesis of B, N-carbon dots by a combustion method and the application of fluorescence detection for Cu2+. Chinese Chem. Lett. 2017, 28: 1119-1124. (CCL高被引论文)
(9) Mingcong Rong, Liping Lin, Xinhong Song, Yiru Wang,Yunxin Zhong, Jiawei Yan, Yufeng Feng, Xiuya Zeng, Xi Chen*. Fluorescence sensing of chromium (VI) and ascorbic acid using graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets as a fluorescent “switch”. Biosens. Bioelectron.2015, 68:210-217. (1%ESI论文)
(10) Mingcong Rong, Liping Lin, Xinhong Song, Tingting Zhao, Yunxin Zhong, Jiawei Yan, Yiru Wang, Xi Chen*. A label-free fluorescence sensing approach for selective and sensitive detection of 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol (TNP) in aqueous solution using graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets. Anal.Chem. 2015, 87:1288-1296. (1%ESI论文)