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2005.9-2009.7 复旦大学 高分子化学与物理 理学博士 (导师:杨玉良 院士)

2002.9-2005.7 湖北大学      材料学      工学硕士 (导师:程时远 教授)

1998.9-2002.7 湖北大学 高分子材料与工程 工学学士




2018.3-至今     电子平台推荐            副教授(百人计划

2015.1-2017.12  德国哥廷根大学理论物理研究所   研究员

             (合作教授:Marcus Müller教授)

2011.8-2014.12  德国马普高分子研究所           博士后研究员

             (合作导师:德国科学院院士Kurt Kremer教授)

2009.7-2011.6   复旦大学材料科学系             博士后












[1] Huanqing Lei, Jianguo Zhang, Liming Wang, Guojie Zhang*, Dimensional and shape properties of a single linear polycatenane: Effect of catenation topology, Polymer212, 123160 (2021).

[2] GuojieZhang*, Jianguo Zhang, Topological catenation induced swelling of ring polymers revealed by molecular dynamics simulation, Polymer 196, 122475 (2020).

[3]Qiong Xie, Yicheng Qiang, Guojie Zhang,* and Weihua Li*, Emergence and Stability of Janus-Like Superstructures in an ABCA Linear Tetrablock Copolymer, Macromolecules 53, 73807388 (2020).

[4] GuojieZhang, Anthony Chazirakis, Vagelis A. Harmandaris, Torsten Stuehn, Kostas Ch. Daoulas and Kurt Kremer, Hierarchical modelling of polystyrene melts: from soft blobs to atomistic resolution, Soft Matter 15, 289-302 (2019).

[5] GuojieZhang and Marcus Müller, Rupturing the hemi-fission intermediate in membrane fission under tension: Reaction coordinates, kinetic pathways, and free-energy barriers, The Journal of Chemical Physics 147, 064906 (2017).

[6]Guojie Zhang, Torsten Stuehn, Kostas Ch. Daoulas, and Kurt Kremer, Communication: One Size Fits All: Equilibrating Chemically Different Polymer Liquids through Universal Long-Wavelength Description, The Journal of Chemical Physics 142, 221102 (2015).

[7]Guojie Zhang, Livia Moreira, Torsten Stuehn, Kostas Ch. Daoulas, and Kurt Kremer, Equilibration of High Molecular Weight Polymer Melts: A Hierarchical Strategy, ACS Macro Letters 3, 198-203 (2014).

[8]Guojie Zhang, Kostas Ch. Daoulas, and Kurt Kremer, A New Coarse Grained Particle-to-Mesh Scheme for Modeling Soft Matter, Macromolecular Chemistry Physics 214, 214-224 (2013).

[9]Guojie Zhang, Feng Qiu, Hongdong Zhang, Yuliang Yang, and An-Chang Shi, SCFT Study of Tiling Patterns in ABC Star Terpolymers, Macromolecules 43, 2981-2989 (2010).

[10] ZuojunGuo, Guojie Zhang, Feng Qiu, Hongdong Zhang, Yuliang Yang, and An-Chang Shi, Discovering Ordered Phases of Block Copolymers: New Results from A Generic Fourier-Space Approach, Physical Review Letters 101, 028301 (2008).


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