

作者: 时间:2023-04-20 点击数:



   业: 化学工程与技术

研究领域: 能源材料与储能技术



电子邮件:[email protected]



  1989年毕业于重庆大学电子平台 ,获工学学士学位。

  1992年毕业于重庆大学电子平台 ,物理化学专业,获理学硕士学位。











2016-2018 羊城学者;2017-2021广州大学广府学者






1.       掺杂钴酸镍/有序介孔碳复合材料的结构控制、相互作用及超级电容性能研究(21776051),国家自然科学基金项目,2018.01-2021.12

2.       三元过渡金属氮化物的可控制备及电催化氧还原性能(21376056),国家自然科学基金项目,2014.01-2017.12

3.       低铂/非铂氮掺杂碳气凝胶复合氧还原催化剂的结构及性能研究(21076048),国家自然科学基金项目,2011.01-2013.12

4.       活性炭/氮化钒不对称超级电容器的应用研究(2013B010405015),广东省科技计划项目,2015.01-2016.12

5.       新型碳功能化改性及在甲醇燃料电池中的应用(2008B010800036),广东省科技计划项目,2009.01-2011.12

6.       动力与储能电池材料与器件产业技术创新平台(201509030005),广州市科技计划项目,2015.04-2017.03

7.       核壳结构多孔TiN@MN(M=Fe,Co,Mo)氧还原催化剂结构与性能研究(1201541563),广州市羊城学者项目,2016.01-2018.12

8.       双氟磺酰亚胺及其锂盐的合成(KJSD-099-006-125),江苏理文化工有限公司,2017.05-2018.04

9.       高能金属锂电池聚合物固态电解质的研发(KJSD-099-006-196),江苏理文化工有限公司,2018.09-2019.08




1.       Zongjian Wu,Qi Luo,Lin Lin ,Wei Yang,Hanbo Zou,Haijun Yu,SZ Chen*,Synthesis and electrochemical properties of cation‐disordered rock‐salt xLi3NbO4·(1x)NiO compounds for Li‐ion batteries, International journal of energy research, 2020, 45(3):3966-3978

2.      SZ Chen*, Yuxiang Xie, Wen ChenJialiang Chen,Wei YangHanbo Zou, Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Li-Rich Cathode Materials by Organic Fluorine Doping and Spinel Li1+xNiyMn2yO4Coating, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 121128

3.      Chen Jiangdong, Ma Tingting, Chen Miao, Peng Zhuo, Feng Zhiwei, Pan Caifeng, Zou Hanbo, Yang Wei, Chen SZ*, Porous NiCo2O4@Ppy core-shell nanowire arrays covered on carbon cloth for flexible all-solid-state hybrid supercapacitors,Journal of energy storage, 2020, 32:101895

4.      Tingting Ma, Wei Yang, Zongjian Wu, Kangzhou Lei, Jingzhou Lin, Hanbo Zou, SZ Chen*Rich nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous carbon synthesized by copolymerization of PMDA and ODA with SBA-15 as a template for high-performance supercapacitorsJournal of porous materials, 2020, 27(2):525-535

5.      Tingting Ma, Jiangdong Chen, Miao Chen, Hanbo Zou, SZ Chen*Nickel-cobalt-molybdenum sulfides with adjustable morphology via coprecipitation and hydrothermal conversion as high-performance electrodes for asymmetric supercapacitors, Journal of alloy and compounds, 2020,838:155631

6.      Yang WTian B ,Xia YG , Liu FG,Chen SJ , Dong XFChen SZ* ,Wang J H, Engineering multiphase for activating electroactive sites for highly efficient hydrogen evolution: Experimental and theoretical investigation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(26): 13323-13333 

7.      Xie Y, Chen SZ *, Yang W, et al. Improving the rate capability and decelerating the voltage decay of Li-rich layered oxide cathodes by constructing a surface-modified microrod structure. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 772: 230-239.

8.      Xie Y, Chen SZ *, Lin Z, et al.Enhanced electrochemical performance of Li-rich layered oxide, Li1.2Mn0.54Co0.13Ni0.13O2, by surface modification derived from a MOF-assisted treatment. Electrochemistry Communications, 2019, 99: 65-70.

9.      KZ Lei, Jingzhou Ling, Jingchao Zhou, Hanbo Zou, Wei Yang, SZ Chen *, Formation of CoS2/N, S-codoped porous carbon nanotube composites based on bimetallic zeolitic imidazolate organic frameworks for supercapacitors, Materials Research Bulletin, 2019, 116 : 59–66.

10.  Chen SZ *, Huang Q, Yang W, et al. PtCoN supported on TiN-modified carbon nanotubes (PtCoN/TiN–CNT) as efficient oxygen reduction reaction catalysts in acidic medium. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(31): 14337-14346.



1.       陈胜洲,王广坤等,一种全氟烷氧基羧酸表面活性剂的生产设备 中国,ZL 201520463671.1

2.       陈胜洲,刘林顺等,一种六氟环氧丙烷齐聚物对应酯化物的生产设备,ZL 201520260848.8

3.       陈胜洲,王智春等,一种五氯乙烷催化脱HCl制四氯乙烯的催化剂及其制备方法,2014.8.27,中国,ZL 201310054737.7

4.       陈胜洲,谢宇翔,杨伟等,一种锂离子电池的聚三苯胺正极材料生产装置,ZL201821972536.X

5.       陈胜洲,谢宇翔,杨伟等,一种锂离子电池正极粉体材料生产用匣钵,ZL201820043473.3

6.       陈胜洲,谢宇翔,杨伟等,一种富锂材料导电有机聚合物复合正极材料及电极的制备方法,ZL 201810063760.5

7.       陈胜洲,谢宇翔,杨伟等,一种氟掺杂富锂正极材料及其制备方法与应用,201910616005X

8.       杨伟,陈胜洲,邹汉波等,等一种废旧锂离子电池的回收装置,ZL2018205406000

9.       杨伟,陈胜洲,刘芝婷等,一种废旧锂离子电池的分离装置,ZL2018205404575

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